Github Workflows

Step-by-step guides for beginners to collaborate with Github

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Git Branch Naming Conventions

  1. Feature Branches

    Features describe work to be done that will add new functionality to the project.

    • Prefix: feature/ or ft/
    • Example: feature/new-login-page, ft/shopping-cart
  2. Bug Fix Branches

    A bug fix modifies current code and does not introduce new functionality.

    • Prefix: bugfix/, hotfix/, or fix/
    • Example: bugfix/login-error, fix/cart-calculation
  3. Descriptive Names

    It is common practice to name the branch with a concise description of the work being done.

    • Example: feature/user-profile-redesign, bugfix/cart-total-calculation
  4. Naming Conventions

    There are two common conventions for how to seperate words in a branch name

    • Kebab-case: feature/new-feature
    • Snake_case: feature/new_feature