Github Workflows

Step-by-step guides for beginners to collaborate with Github

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Updating Pull Request

Tip: Remember that curly braces in commands below should not be typed by you. They indicate that you should place your own value there without curly braces.

There are times when a teammate requests changes on your PR. There may be bugs, or your code may need to be improved for readability or efficiency.

Switching to branch

If you are currently working on another ticket, switch back to PR branch.

# Make sure you have no changes to be committed
# Add and commit changes if there are any
git status

# Switch to branch attached to PR
git switch {branch name}

Make any changes, or fixes, that were requested by your teammate(s). Make sure you thoroughly test it.

git push origin {branch name}

Then broadcast to your teammates that the PR has been updated and ready to be tested again.