Github Workflows

Step-by-step guides for beginners to collaborate with Github

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Begin a Project With Starter Code

This guide is for when your team is provided with a Github repository with existing code in it. You should not use this guide if you have not been provided with a existing repository.

Tip: Remember that curly braces in commands below should not be typed by you. They indicate that you should place your own value there without curly braces.

Before cloning

One teammate must complete these steps before anything else happens.

  1. Change to the workspace directory in your terminal with.
     cd ~/workspace
  2. Clone the repository.
     git clone {ssh connection string}
  3. Run the ls command to view the new directory that was created.
  4. Use the cd {directory name} command to navigate into that directory.
  5. Run git switch -c develop to create the active development branch.
  6. Run git push -u origin develop to create the branch on Github.

After develop exists

Once the develop branch exists, all other teammate follow these steps.

  1. Change to the workspace directory in your terminal with.
     cd ~/workspace
  2. Clone the repository.
     git clone {ssh connection string}
  3. Run the ls command to view the new directory that was created.
  4. Use the cd {directory name} command to navigate into that directory.
  5. Switch to the develop branch.
     git switch develop

After the team reviews the project requirements and you are ready to start working on the feature assigned to you, create a branch for the work.