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Welcome > Book 2 - The Invisible Web > LearnCode Video Series

LearnCode Academy

This is a good video series that you should watch because there is a human being talking through the process of writing JavaScript, which may help fill in any gaps that you’ve encountered so far. You can use these video as good references as you work through the next chapter of working on Free Code Camp.

Only watch the first seven videos with the “Javascript Tutorial For Beginners” title.

  1. Javascript Tutorial For Beginners - Free JS Course - Web Development Tutorial
  2. JS Tutorial For Beginners - #2 If Else & Comparison Operators
  3. Javascript Tutorial For Beginners - #3 Javascript Functions Tutorial
  4. Javascript Tutorial For Beginners - #4 Javascript Arrays & Loops
  5. Javascript Selectors - Javascript Tutorial for Beginners With Examples
  6. Javascript Events Tutorial - How Web Developers Respond to User Input
  7. Javascript Events Tutorial Part 2 - Javascript Tutorials for Beginning Web Development