Github Workflows

Step-by-step guides for beginners to collaborate with Github

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Testing a Teammate’s Pull Request

Tip: Remember that curly braces in commands below should not be typed by you. They indicate that you should place your own value there without curly braces.

Do not begin reviewing a teammate’s Pull Request until is has a complete description of the changes and steps to test.

Testing the feature or bug

# Make sure you have no changes to be committed
# Add and commit changes if there are any
git status

# Get all of the latest branchs from Github
git fetch origin

# Switch to your teammate's branch
git switch {branch name}

Then follow the steps provided by your teammate in the PR description.

Review and feedback

Whether you discover any issues during testing, or not, you must review your teammate’s code and provide feedback.

Watch the How to Review a Pull Request in GitHub the RIGHT Way video for a guide on how to review code as a professional.